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Sanchia’s Not Perfecting Poses This Year. For Her, the Goal is Empowerment.


by Fran Liu

We share the gear that allows her 

to exceed expectations on the mat. 


Traditional goal setting doesn’t work for yoga ambassador, Sanchia. Instead, she focuses her energy on feeling empowered: allowing herself to practise with no pressure. “I don't set expectations because it’s not a reflection of what's going to happen or how it might feel—and it’s restricting,” she says.

Sanchia knows not every day offers the chance to hold a perfect headstand. “That very first forward fold in the morning can feel really tight, like a crisp paper bag. Or like there’s cobwebs on the back of my kneecaps, my compass just feels off.”

But when there’s an opportunity to go there, she takes it. “I can feel a gear change and the excitement grows,” she says. “My limbs feel lighter, my elbows feel smooth, like oiled gears. I’m more in tune and everything starts to point in the right direction.”

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For Sanchia, it’s those moments of unexpected joy that make every creaky bone and buckled elbow worthwhile. “When my physical practice outshines my mental strength, I'm reminded that I’m in complete control. I’m aligned, I’m grounded, and I'm winning. For me, that’s the goal.”

To align your mind, and your body, you need gear that opens the door to a stronger practice. For Sanchia, that’s the Instill Leggings and Energy Bra.

The leggings are powered by SmoothCover™ fabric and offer a supportive fit, coupled with our signature buttery-soft touch. The Energy Bra is a fan-favourite amongst yogis for comfort, versatility, and stretch and shape retention, thanks to added Lycra® fibre.

“I love my Instill leggings. They’re buttery-soft with a more hugged feeling, and perfect for days when my practice feels a little stronger.”
“This bra fits really well, and you know what—it makes me feel great. When I look good, I feel good. And as women, we deserve to have moments like that.”